Why You Should Explain Steps to Break Commitments Before They’re Made

The lesson of keeping your word is only learned when you no longer feel like doing things you promised others you’d do.

Keeping your word means swallowing the shame of any verbal mistakes a younger version of you made. It’s a trap most of us fall into one time or another.

Battling the desire to ditch a commitment in light of new information is difficult. The belief that one is not a “man of his word” simply if they refrain from following through on a commitment is a false tenet. There are many legitimate reasons for an individual to want / need to seize the commitment they’ve made.

An individual swallowing their pride and coming to terms with the fact that they need to break their word isn’t off the hook however. People seeking to break free from commitments for legitimate reasons often come to find that breaching the commitments they’ve made isn’t simply a matter of not showing up or not doing.

Some people jump into commitments with every intention of fulfilling them. They thereby give little thought and focus to the terms of “breaching” the commitments they make.

Commitments which are difficult to breach are scattered throughout life. They aren’t bound to the professional realms and can even exist between two friends in a casual social setting.

This article is about thoroughly educating even the most motivated individuals about ways they can breach the commitments they’re about to make.

Looking out for the future version of themselves in the chance that it discovers new information seems to be the right approach to take. Having the care and foresight in preventing the potential for someone’s future misery governs this approach to influencing them.

Asking for a Prenup Is Difficult Before a Wedding

New commitments are typically made when times are good. Whether it is a job offer or a decision to drive to the beach next weekend, taking on new commitments often signifies a desire to progress toward what you deem as worthy. Bringing up your options of breaking the commitments you make, just for you to know, can send the wrong message.

Akin to asking a future spouse to sign a prenuptial agreement prior to getting married, inquiring about your options of breaking a commitment prior to entering it isn’t exactly an easy thing to do. In fear of sending the wrong message, people are often hesitant to explore every detail of a commitment they’re about to agree to.

Helping someone out in learning about the process of breaking any commitments they make for you thereby eases their worries and makes the process easier for them. Those who are considering making a commitment to you may even feel more confident in agreeing to it once they notice your bravery in speaking about options out of the commitment down the line.

You’ll be perceived as someone who’s not judgmental about people leaving the commitments they make for you on good terms. Save those who are about to make commitments to you from needing to inquire about the uncomfortable topic of breaching contracts, agreements, and other commitments. By doing so, you’ll do your part in maintaining the positive discussion about a potential commitment whilst educating the individual in question about important facets of the topic in question.

A Deed Slow Burning in Expressing Its Wisdom

The true appreciation behind a wise course of action often comes after some time. An action’s ripple first has to travel across the reality you live in for it to be properly analyzed for its worth.

Actions made on a whim with a lack of forethought driving them can be effective in the short term. Their immediate effects can even be comparable to actions which were pondered over excessively prior to execution.

The differences between well planned actions and ones taken on a whim become evident as each respective act is tested through time. Life’s unpredictability rewards actions which were performed with the future’s unpredictability taken into account.

An element of unpredictability is exactly what your simple deed of educating wide eyed committers would account for. Someone taking on a new commitment would be biased in how they foresee the future series of events to transpire. They’d be positive about fulfilling their commitment without life coming in the way of that goal.

Your act of specifying how easy or hard it would be for an individual to break a commitment prior to them taking on said commitment will grow to be respected. As life inevitably comes in the way of someone’s commitment to you, your team, or your organization, your earlier act of not shying away from the topic will bring ease to the individual committed to you.

Their anxieties will lessen with every iteration of your words they replay inside their mind. They’ll be more educated on how they should act should they not be able to fulfill a commitment and would be less likely to perform brash acts out of anxiety fueled ignorance about their commitment to you.

Someone who doesn’t know the appropriate ways of breaking a commitment and is too afraid to ask is a volatile entity to have in your life. Rather than focusing on preventing people from breaking the commitments they make to you by way of keeping them in the dark, your focus should be to simply keep the waters calm around commitments others make to you.

Someone’s decision to break their commitment to you is difficult to reverse or prevent. However, your act of preparing for such a scenario early on by educating people who make commitments to you on how they can break those commitments will prevent stress and negativity.

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Disclaimer of Opinion: This article is presented only as opinion. It does not make any scientific, factual, or legal claims. Please critically analyze all claims made and independently decide on its validity.