Why Magicians Who Admit to Magic Not Being Real, Are More Interesting

Magicians/Illusionists have had a tougher go at things due to recent technological advancements and increased spread of common understanding. As high definition cameras and our ability to replay, analyze, and study video has become commonplace, the abilities which they purport to possess are easier to disprove. They can no longer rely on any form of mystique to drive audiences to see them. The magicians that stick by the notion of them tapping into any form of magic in its strict definition are questioned and dismissed.

People’s access to information is now vast and speedy. Where there’s a trick worthy of your attention, there’s likely an explanation of how it’s done online. Because of a general improvement in our ability to access truth, magicians find themselves in a tough spot these days. Should they continue propagating the idea of what they do being magical and rely on their skills to trick people into believing that falsehood? Or should they admit to their skills being nothing more than actions they’ve diligently practiced and communicate that fact without restraint?

This article attempts to make points in favor of magicians exposing the fact that they do not possess magical abilities. Knowing that we’re being tricked but having trouble figuring out exactly how, is more interesting than being told we’re not being tricked at all. The former case puts a focus on the magician’s skills and hours of practice, which people can relate to and find interest in. A magician who continues to propagate his acts being magical serves to disrespect the understanding of those who watch the show he puts on. This article hopes to offer something for you to take away from this specific example. It points to the notion of never allowing your success to be explained via immeasurable and unrepeatable ways. For instance, you shouldn’t agree with talent or luck being primary factors in the development of your success.

Based in Reality

The overall goal of not agreeing with your success being a result of unseen and immeasurable forces is based on bringing attention to your work ethic and mastery of reality. The reality of success is that we are required to put in hours of work into developing ourselves. The requirement to practice one’s craft is something nobody is excluded from if they are seeking to build skill. Skill which is presented to be attainable by all, but only attained by few, is interesting. Rather than limiting yourself to be a part of a special pool of select talented individuals, alluding to the fact that you’re not any different than anyone else in luck, talent, or magic, serves to benefit your influence. Citing yourself to utilize the methods of attaining success that everyone else can implement serves to set you apart even more. It points to your act of overcoming the odds, and outworking the rest. It points to you developing a sense of mastery over your craft, and motivates onlookers to do the same.

Making sure you stay connected to the reality under which everyone’s lives are governed by increases their liking for you. You’ll be seen as being a part of one team, even when you set yourself apart in drastic ways. This is the reason why we relate to billionaires who started with nothing, rather those who receive a ‘small loan’ of a million dollars from their fathers when they’re young.

The Respect That Talent Governs Is Short Lived

If you accept others explaining your skill away with the notion of you being born talented, you’ll serve to downplay all the work you’ve put into your craft. Though the fact of you being born being more inclined to learning and practicing a certain craft in life may be true, no meaningful level of success can be birthed without disciplined hard work. The respect that mere talent garners is thereby short lived in the minds of those who believe you to be talented. They dismiss your skills as being a result of talent, and come to the understanding that your hard work was given rather than earned.

Be careful being labeled as talented, magical, lucky, or gifted – and accepting those labels to be true. These labels will not only motivate others to downplay your achievements by explaining them away with things people can’t relate to (for what that’s worth), but as a result, they’ll serve to lower interest in your work. Relatability is a powerful attractor, and gets more powerful with the more success you attain in your chosen domain. Protect your relatability by being conscious of how others think you’ve attained your success. Ensure your methods are seen as repeatable. Don’t strive to be labelled as talented, gifted, or possessing magical powers. The benefit of those labels are short lived, while the negative unintended consequences they bring about can cause lasting damage to your influence.

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Disclaimer of Opinion: This article is presented only as opinion. It does not make any scientific, factual, or legal claims. Please critically analyze all claims made and independently decide on its validity.