How to Be Blunt / Assertive / Straightforward Without Offending

This article explores the art of being assertive in communication, whether it be at work or in a relationship. It delves into the emotional potential of the language used and emphasizes the importance of understanding the difference between being offensive and being disliked. 

The article aims to provide readers with practical tips on how to speak directly without resorting to aggression, while maintaining positive relationships. Whether you struggle with expressing yourself in a direct yet diplomatic manner or simply wish to improve your communication skills, this article offers insightful advice on how to effectively communicate without causing offense.

How to Break Unfair Rules and Not Get Punished

Disclaimer: This article is about rules, not laws. It is not intended to be legal advice in any form. To say that all rules in life are set to perfection would be an over-generalization. There are rules which don’t have distant foresight guiding their governance over behavior. There are also rule-makers who fail to recognize … Read more

Why You Shouldn’t Be Self-Deprecating After an Objectively Good Performance

Self-deprecation in response to good results is intended to fish for even more compliments than those results already warrant.  Using self-deprecation for their social benefit is a habit that those who’ve finagled ways to garner positive attention regularly employ. They aim to highlight their various good outcomes by setting low expectations and allowing the objective … Read more

Why You Become a Dog When You Bark Back at One

Verbal altercations are adrenaline-pumping.  A counterpart’s loss of composure is difficult to observe from an unbiased perspective. We often become a victim of their instability at a heated moment, and have to make important social decisions in a limited amount of time. As pressure of any kind mounts in the mind of those you speak … Read more

Why There’s Never a Reason to Get Angry Over Others’ Mistakes

The article explores the detrimental effects of reacting angrily to others’ mistakes, with a focus on the impact it can have on relationships, productivity, and personal growth. It delves into how one instance of anger can create a paralyzing fear of failure and diminish the drive to take initiative, leading to a lack of investment in tasks. It highlights how destructive this can be for relationships and how controlling reactions can promote growth and foster a positive work environment. Ultimately, the article emphasizes the importance of managing one’s emotions and the benefits of a positive, growth-oriented mindset.

How Pesky Attacks Can Bait You Into a War You’ll Lose

The business world is full of competitors, some of whom can be pesky opponents who make annoying remarks and push boundaries. But how can companies maintain their confidence in battle when engaging with those who have something to hide? This article delves into the dangers of underestimating these pesky opponents and how they can bait you into a war you’ll ultimately lose. The article explores the importance of understanding the competition and the risks involved in engaging in battles that could expose things you want to keep hidden. Discover the tactics and strategies necessary to handle these pesky opponents and emerge victorious in the cutthroat world of business.

Why You Will Never Fully Know and Understand Anyone

You may have read or heard about the observer effect. It dictates that in their act of measuring, observers influence the phenomenon being observed. It suggests that it is not possible to observe or measure anything without affecting the behavior of that thing. We would like to extend this notion to people, on a broader … Read more

How Blind Trust Can Inadvertently Put You in Danger

The blind trust that we sometimes place in others is a dangerous game. It’s easy to place faith in those who have never let us down, but what about those whom we’ve never fully trusted? The article explores the risks of blindly trusting others and highlights how even those we have complete trust in may still have biases or skill sets that can cause issues to go unnoticed. Additionally, differences in attention to detail and personal needs can pose unforeseen risks. The article stresses the importance of conducting due diligence, especially when dealing with potentially untrustworthy individuals.