How to Sidestep and Avoid Intrusive Questions

Mistakes are interesting attractors of attention.

There are individuals who enjoy calling out the mistakes you make, and strive to let others know about your vulnerable moments in life. You’ll be enticed to respond emotionally to those who claw at your mistakes; in an effort to stop their attempts to pick at the sensitivities of the low points in your life.

Our mistakes and mess-ups often leave us in an uncomfortable and disliked situation. Mess-ups rustle the waters in our stagnant lives and are opportunities for growth, if you decide not to drown yourself in the waters that have now been stirred.


Ways that People Entrap with Their Lines of Questioning

There will be people who try to drown you in the waters of your mistakes. Their attempts to drown you in your mistakes will come fast, and will be propelled by ill intentions. Know that your mistakes will be seen and noticed by others. When your mistakes do become noticed, expect the ones wanting to capitalize to come forth. Their attempts to capitalize on your shortcomings will be labelled as ‘call-outs’ for the purpose of this article.

Call-outs from others will come in many different forms. One of the most common forms of call-out you’ll be a victim of will be in the form of strategic, incriminating, questions. These questions will seek an answer which you do not want to give. These questions will be designed to make you inadvertently announce your act of making a mistake. They’re difficult to circumvent, but one way seems to be most optimal. As they try hard to incriminate you with their questions.

These people will test your poise in the time of failure, and above all, this article hopes to motivate you to stay unhinged.


Calling Out their Call-Outs

One of the most effective ways to combat the call-outs of those who are looking to capitalize on your mistakes, is to call out their attempt to call you out. There are two ways you can call out their attempt to capitalize on your failure – before they deliver it, and during the time of their delivery.

Calling out their malicious attempts before their own delivery of a call-out is a tricky undertaking. You will need to read their patterns and have a strong sense of the forthcoming call-outs from their end. Typically, question-based call-outs will have leading questions littered with clues as to what is coming. You need to take a chance and make the call-out before they have a chance to do so.

When calling out their call-outs, you will inevitably have to take ownership of whatever mistake of yours the other person is trying to capitalize on. In doing so, you’d gain control the power dynamic at hand; as the truth would be of less importance than who wields it in this case. First, admit to the truth of your mistake and then, call out their attempt at using it against you.

Onlookers to this dance you have with a person aiming to capitalize on your mistake will be caught off guard by your willingness to take control of your mistake. Rather than involuntarily having the truth pried out of you, in their eyes, you’d take control of the act of bringing your mistake to the forefront.

Alternatively, calling out the call-out after it has been delivered is easier to time but harder to execute. In this case, the other person wields the power of truth for a brief moment until you deliver the truth of them trying to use a mistake you made against you. Naturally, this method will lead to an increased chance of contention between yourself and the person who’s trapped you with their incriminating questions.

Realizing the truth of what they are trying to do, and calling it out, will do well to expose them as malicious opportunists but would still leave you in a vulnerable state. The best way to execute a call-out of an incriminating question is to admit full responsibility of a mistake they’ve worked hard to expose, and then comment on their malicious methods in doing so.

Remember, if you sense incriminating questions cornering you in spilling the truth of a mistake you made, it’s best to take control and voice it earlier than later. After doing so, you can make comments as to the methods someone used in an effort to place you in a vulnerable position with more effect.

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