Why Others’ Suspicion of You Can Be a Good Thing

You’ll be judged for a variety of reasons as you move through life; with a sizable portion of those judgments fueled by a suspicion of some sort.

Your choice of style can be looked down on and scoffed at. Your choice of verbiage will attract some and scare others away. You may say things which strengthen your perceived innocence, or serve to draw suspicion. The suspicion others may have of you can touch on various traits. They’ll sometimes suspect you to be a liar, and sometimes a lazy worker. Suspicion of you may manifest itself in others talking behind your back and checking every move you make.

Suspicion is difficult to escape. It is typically based more on intuition rather than evidence. People perceive signals which may give rise to their suspicion of you, with you seldom being able to control which of these signals they react to. Even the best of people give birth to suspicion in the minds others; you are not immune to being suspected of malice, no matter how well you behave yourself as an individual. This article will aim to explain why suspicion of you may be a good thing for your influence over others. The dependency however, is that suspicion of you is not based on evidence for your bad behavior. In other words, you must be innocent of what others suspect you to be guilty of.


Highlight Your Mundane Good Work and Good Traits

Suspicion will draw eyes to watch the acts you partake in daily. Whether that be at home, at work, or in society at large, rising suspicion out of others is a way to draw attention toward what you do well. If for example, you’re a good worker who has given rise to suspicion at work, it will be an opportunity for you to showcase your working habits. Suspicion thereby, is an effective way to draw attention to your everyday efforts when other methods fail to do so.

The notion is akin to looking for a dead mouse in the attic and finding an old, dusted over box of jewelry once you go up and check. If you were to set out looking for a box of jewels from the beginning, your act of finding it would feel good, but wouldn’t be a surprise. Going up to the attic to investigate a foul smell, expecting a dead mouse, only then to find a box of jewels will induce a more positive feeling.

Use others’ negative expectations of you to your advantage. Rather than trying to battle their suspicion of you, allow their suspicion to guide their discovery of every corner and caveat in an effort to find what they fear. Use this opportunity to highlight just how wrong they are through your actions. Once they discover the jewels rather than the dead mouse they were expecting, they will feel a sense of remorse. They will feel awkward for suspecting you to be something you’re not. Your act of allowing them to follow their suspicion will serve to make them prove themselves wrong without you having to fight back.


Mere Allowance Cultivates; Don’t Incriminate Yourself

As mentioned before, others’ suspicion of you can be an effective way for them to discover your good traits. It is sometimes useful therefore, to propagate suspicion against the things you want others to investigate. If for instance, you are a hard worker but someone your boss never acknowledges, it may be useful to propagate an idea that you are a bad worker.

Rising suspicion is not an act of losing your innocence.

Do not incriminate yourself. Rather, simply do not protect your work ethic when it is questioned. In the professional setting, people are constantly trying to protect themselves from suspicion. If they sense any suspicion of their work coming from others, they are adamant to destroy those notions. If you swallow your pride for just a little bit and allow others’ suspicion to travel down its natural path, then you can give your good work a pedestal to be discovered by those who failed to pay attention to it before.

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Disclaimer of Opinion: This article is presented only as opinion. It does not make any scientific, factual, or legal claims. Please critically analyze all claims made and independently decide on its validity.