Start Here: Conflict Resolution


Welcome to our Conflict Resolution category. The articles in this section provide important insights and skills to improve your ability to navigate difficult situations and conflicts. From mediating arguments between friends to disarming angry people, this guide offers examples and techniques for effectively managing conflict. In addition to practical advice, our articles highlight the importance of forgiveness, challenging bad arguments, and giving voice to the little guys. 


Explore Ways to Introduce Nuance to Popular Ideas You Disagree With

This article offers a comprehensive guide on how to challenge opinions and introduce nuance to popular ideas that one may disagree with. By studying the landscape and identifying the silent majority, readers will learn how to develop a more iterative approach to bolster their thinking.

The article emphasizes the importance of utilizing those who are part of the silent majority wisely and how granularity can be a powerful tool to achieve nuanced thinking. Finally, readers will discover how aligning themselves with groups or labels can help them find common ground with others and get everyone on the same page.



How to Make a Third Party Agree With You on a Disagreement

In a world of differing opinions, it can be challenging to get people to agree with you during an argument. The art of persuasion is one that requires honesty, tact, and strategy.

This article provides valuable insights on how to navigate disagreements with a third party effectively. From acknowledging the pros and cons of your position, to encouraging your counterpart to present the cons of their position, this article equips you with the tools necessary to make your argument persuasive. Additionally, it highlights the importance of knowing how to refute and provide solutions for the cons of your own idea, and how to present an air of possibly agreeing with your counterpart’s position.



Art of Mediation: Strategies for Resolving Conflicts Between Friends

This article delves into the art of mediating arguments and providing strategies for resolving conflicts between friends. It emphasizes the importance of protecting each friend’s time in expressing their point of view, granulating wrongfulness so that it can be attributed to both, and being lenient in interpreting those wrongdoings while still protecting the victim’s reactions.

With these tactics, individuals can learn to handle conflicts constructively and prevent them from escalating further. Whether it’s a minor disagreement or a major dispute, the techniques outlined in this article can help friends navigate their disagreements in a way that strengthens their relationships rather than damaging them.



Accepting Apologies: How to Forgive and Move Forward

This article discusses the art of accepting apologies. It emphasizes the active role individuals play in the process and how to respond to apologies received via text messages or email with grace and professionalism.

The article highlights the importance of respecting the courage it takes for someone to apologize and cautions against kicking them when they’re down. It provides readers with practical tips on how to move forward after an apology has been given and how to maintain healthy relationships. This article is a must-read for anyone seeking guidance on how to handle apologies in a respectful and professional manner.



Why You Win Strategically When You Forgive

When someone wrongs us, it’s natural to feel hurt and angry. It’s difficult to forgive someone who has caused us pain, and we may feel that there’s no point in doing so. However, holding onto grudges only leads to more turmoil and strife.

This article explores the idea that forgiveness is not only the right thing to do, but it’s also a strategic choice. It’s hard to forgive, but forgiving the ignorant can lead to peace and understanding. Not forgiving others can lead to seeing them as a threat. And perhaps most importantly, forgiveness can calm the turbulent waters of our own reactions, leading to a more peaceful and centered life.



Discover Techniques for Disarming and Calming Down Angry People

This article delves into techniques for disarming and calming down angry people, particularly those who may be directing their anger towards you. Whether it’s in person or over texts, dealing with someone who is upset can be a challenging experience.

The article provides practical advice on how to approach the situation, including using language that can help defuse the tension. One useful tip is to “victimize the angered” by acknowledging their feelings without necessarily taking responsibility for the situation. The article emphasizes that this does not mean you must apologize, but rather, there are certain phrases and words that can help to convey empathy and understanding. Read on to learn what to say when faced with an angry person.



Discover the unique bonds that form during difficult times and how to strengthen them

In the midst of going through hard times, people often form unique bonds with others who are experiencing the same difficulties. The benefits of difficulty can be found in the strong relationships that are formed during these challenging moments. The experience is different from anything else because it creates a sense of camaraderie, a feeling of “us against them.” In this article, readers will discover how to get through tough times by strengthening these bonds and fighting together.

The article explores the various ways that people can deepen the connections they form during challenging times, recognizing the uniqueness of the experience and its potential to create lasting relationships.



Why Your Help May be Rejected and What to do About it

This article explores the nuances of helping others and the challenges that arise when one’s good intentions are met with rejection. Despite trying to help others, many people feel ashamed or embarrassed to admit that they need assistance, leading to a perceived power dynamic in which the helper is viewed as seeking something in return. Drawing on real-world examples, this article offers insights into the complex dynamics of giving and receiving help, and provides practical strategies for overcoming these challenges. Whether you are a helper seeking to make a difference or someone in need of assistance, this article will help you navigate the often-treacherous waters of helping others.



Giving People Time: The Importance of Allowing Others to Acknowledge Their Mistakes

In a world where perfection is often praised, it’s easy to forget that it’s okay to make mistakes. Acknowledging and learning from our mistakes is a crucial part of personal growth, but it can be challenging to own up to our errors.

However, this article emphasizes the importance of giving people time to acknowledge their mistakes. It argues that apologies mean more when they’ve been pondered, and understanding is not developed overnight. By taking the time to reflect and understand our mistakes, we can move forward and take the next steps towards personal and professional growth. The article also delves into unexpected advantages of owning up to seemingly unforgivable mistakes.



Handling Excuses: How to Deal With People Who Always Have an Explanation

This article delves into the challenging task of handling individuals who always make excuses and do not take responsibility for their actions. It begins by recounting a somber discovery that many people exhibit this behavior and provides insights into why excuses are made.

Readers will learn how to show empathy towards the stories behind the excuses and how to identify when the cause holds validity. The article also highlights common, improper reactions and encourages readers to debunk the causes and uncover underlying habits to make excuses. 



When Someone Loves Talking about Themselves

Have you ever found yourself in a conversation with someone who only seems to want to talk about themselves? What kind of person is this and how can you talk to them? Can you tell if someone is being a selfish inquirer or just genuinely excited to share their experiences?

In this article, the topic of self-centered conversations is explored, serving to highlight their selfish ways. Readers will learn what it means to engage with a self-focused individual and how to react to their behavior. By understanding the mindset of the self-absorbed talker, readers will be equipped with the tools to handle these types of conversations with grace and ease.



Dealing with Broken Promises: How to Treat Those Who Don’t Follow Through

This article offers insights on how to deal with the disappointment that comes with broken promises, a common occurrence in today’s society. It explores the psychology behind making promises in the heat of the moment and why they often lead to unfulfilled expectations.

Additionally, the article examines what to do when someone continuously fails to keep their word and how to prevent being a victim of broken promises. Whether it’s friends who break promises or colleagues who don’t follow through, this piece provides practical advice on how to handle these situations with grace and integrity.



Bad Arguments Which Back You: The Importance of Being Honest with Yourself

In today’s world, it’s easy to find people who support your views, but it’s harder to find people who challenge them. Having people on your side may feel good, but it’s important to ask yourself whether they’re there for the right reasons.

The article explores how having a large number of supporters who rely on fallacies and straw-man arguments can weaken your position. It emphasizes the importance of being honest with yourself and having a strong argument that can stand up to scrutiny. The article also delves into the volatility of communication and how wrong messages can be conveyed when playing a game of broken telephone.



Hating Your Neighbor: Learn why you hate your neighbor/roommate and how to stop.

Living in a place you love is great, but when your neighbor or roommate becomes a source of irritation, it can sour the entire experience.

This article explores the reasons why people may hate their neighbors or roommates, and provides helpful tips on how to resolve conflicts. It touches on the notion that living differently does not mean one way is better than the other, and emphasizes the importance of respecting others’ choices. Whether you’re considering leaving your current living situation or confronting your neighbor or roommate, this article offers practical advice on how to make the best decision for your own well-being. Learn how to love your house but not hate your neighbor.



Critiquing Loved Things: How to critique something others love.

Critiquing Loved Things is an important skill, but it’s not always easy to critique something that others hold dear. Constructive criticism can be a powerful tool for personal growth and development, but it must be handled with care.

This article explores the intrinsic factors that make certain ideas, habits, and actions good, and the extrinsic, unavoidable external factors that can make those same things bad. With practical tips and insights, readers will learn how to provide constructive feedback to help others grow, while still respecting their feelings and attachments to the subject. Critiquing Loved Things is an important aspect of success, and this article shows readers how to do it with empathy and effectiveness.
