Why You Should Give People Time to Admit Their Wrongs

Time plays its role as a reliable friend as well as a hurtful foe. We’ve not yet been able to escape its steady trek onward. Good things will soon turn bad, and the bad things will soon turn good. People around us will get sick and they even might get pregnant. Time dictates how many moments you have left with those you love, and how many thoughts you’ll think until you can’t manage to think much longer.

What time also does, is it makes it easier to admit our wrongs. Should enough time go by, even the most adamant rule-breakers and line-steppers are susceptible to admitting to being wrong. This article aims to motivate you to give others the time they need to admit their wrongs. If someone has wronged us, we are often too quick to seek apology and the assignment of blame. Without letting things simmer down and thoughts to ferment, people make insincere apologies and wrongfully assign blame.

Apologies Mean More When They’ve Been Pondered

People whose acts cause you pain will typically apologize should they understand the effect their actions have. Some people feel so right, that even if their wrongfulness is well established, their admittance of fault turns out to be sub-par. They will make insincere apologies and leave loose ends in adopting responsibility for the negative situation at hand. Just like yourself, others find it hard to swallow pride after heated moments. They need some time to simmer down. They need some time to consider regrets, and some time to admit their wrongdoings to themselves.

You’ll find that the apologies you receive are more sincere if you wait until others are ready to apologize rather than requesting apologies when you desire to hear them. Some won’t want to apologize at all, and that fact in itself should make you not want one from them. Others will sit on their wrongdoings and formulate articulate, sincere apologies. These are the apologies you should aim to receive – with their existence, and quality, being dependent on time. Giving someone time to think about an apology will encourage them to infuse their apology with regret. Regret takes a while to build up, and feelings of regret seem to increase with time in the short-term.

Understanding Is Not Developed Overnight​

Disagreements between two people seldom end with one side completely accepting the position of the other. The closer it is in time to the disagreement taking place, the less likely your opponent will agree with what you’ve proposed. As time goes by however, things may change. Sometimes, people wake up being different in the morning than they were just the night before, and should several mornings go by, their opinions may even drastically change. Give others a chance to understand your positions by giving them time. Do not put pressure on others to agree with your arguments, and let them think about the points you’ve raised. If your position makes logical sense, trust it to ferment in the mind of another.

Giving someone time to understand your position will lower any emotional attachment they’ve built up to their own argument. As time goes by, they’ll feel less passionate about proving themselves right. Time will make your points seem decent, and understanding is likelier to be established should enough of it go by.

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Disclaimer of Opinion: This article is presented only as opinion. It does not make any scientific, factual, or legal claims. Please critically analyze all claims made and independently decide on its validity.