Why You Shouldn’t Be Quick to Use Commanding Statements

You’ll find yourself in a position of being in charge of leading others. You can be given the responsibility to lead the effort of replacing the floors in your home, after being labelled the best handyman around. You can be assigned the responsibility to lead a work-group at the office, since the work at hand deals directly with what you’re most knowledgeable about. You don’t have to set yourself apart as a leader in order to be given leadership duties in various aspects of life. Leadership skills are built quicker when you find yourself in leadership roles without experience.

This article is about commands. It is about using commanding statements in order to get others to do the work. “Work on last week’s report, and have it done by the end of today,” is an example of a commanding statement. You should be cautious utilizing commanding statements, even when you have every right to do so. A common mistake people who find themselves in leadership positions make is to assume that their new position, as it compares to others, gives them free reign to boss people around.


Official Titles Aren’t Acknowledged by Our Pride

Even if you’re a subordinate to an executive of an organization, being bossed around by them wouldn’t entice you to respect them. Commands are pieces of dialogue which omit reason. Being in a position to command someone to do a certain thing gives you the opportunity to not voice the reasons behind the command. The executive of your organization can simply tell you to do something and not state their detailed reasons, and you’d be obligated to do it. Most good leaders make an effort to state reason prior to commanding others. They have an understanding of how much their subordinates need to know in an effort to maintain their levels of motivation in doing the task at hand.

When you feel an urge to voice commands, take a few seconds to voice the logic behind your command. Whenever possible, cater to the ego of your subordinates. Ask for what you need, rather than state commands whenever possible.

For instance:

“Can you please fill in the order for a new printer? If we don’t send it in by the end of the day, we’ll have to wait after the long weekend to do it.”

Works better than:

“Fill in the order for a new printer by the end of the day.”

A person in a leadership position who communicates with their subordinates as if they are his equals, is likelier to be respected by them. He would be likelier to entice others to work harder for him, as they realize that he isn’t taking advantage of the position he finds himself in. Bossy managers, parents, and teachers serve to take advantage of their position in society as it relates to you. An advantage of holding their position is the ability to sometimes command rather than to ask. Those who do not utilize that advantage in every applicable moment are more relatable and respectable.


Just Because Someone Has an Obligation, Doesn’t Mean You Shouldn’t Still Entice Them

Contracts, explicit obligations, and written agreements are new, as compared to the timeline of our brain’s evolution. Though we know that we very well must do the things that we’ve agreed to do, we still prefer to want to do those things, rather than be forced to. Don’t assume that those who’ve agreed to do something for you don’t need enticing. Strive to treat those who have obligations to do work as if they’re doing you a favor in doing that work. Be kind and have manners when dealing with them. Treat them like someone who doesn’t have an obligation to do things for you. Treat them like they’re doing you a favor.

You have nothing to lose other than a few seconds of your time, and the suppression of your ego if you operate with this mindset. For all intents and purposes, they’ll still be under the contract, agreement, or obligation to do work for you. Someone who is enticed to work, treated with respect, and acted kindly toward is likelier to do better work. It’s why you shouldn’t treat servers disrespectfully, and cashiers as lesser beings. Do not assume that people take advantage of kindness. If you catch someone exploiting your kindness, then it becomes time to be more stern. However, when there is no proof that your efforts to entice your subordinates are being taken advantage of, continue operating in a kind manner.

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Disclaimer of Opinion: This article is presented only as opinion. It does not make any scientific, factual, or legal claims. Please critically analyze all claims made and independently decide on its validity.