Start Here: Achieving Goals


Handling and encouraging achievement is not only a result of hard work and talent, but also a skill that can be learned and improved. In this category of articles, you will discover how to master the art of achievement in various aspects of life and work.

You will learn how to deal with compliments and criticism, how to leverage your strengths and weaknesses, how to manage your attention and emotions, and how to influence others with your actions and words. Whether you want to impress your boss, win over your enemies, or dominate your competitors, these articles will provide you with practical and effective strategies to achieve your goals and boost your confidence.


Compliments: Complimenting Yourself Does Not Count

Many people struggle with low self-esteem and self-confidence, and they may resort to self-complimenting as a way of boosting their mood. However, self-praise is not a reliable or effective source of self-validation. In fact, it may backfire and make them feel worse.

In this article, you will learn why self-complimenting does not count as a genuine compliment, and how it can harm your social relationships and your mental health. You will also discover some alternative ways of improving your self-esteem and self-confidence without relying on self-complimenting.



Downplaying Experience: Why it’s strategic to downplay your experience

Many people think that the best way to land a job or a promotion is to showcase their skills and experience as much as possible. They may exaggerate their achievements, boast about their accomplishments, or even lie about their qualifications. But what if there was a better strategy? What if downplaying your experience could actually make you more attractive to employers?

This article explores the benefits of being modest and understating your skills in various situations. You will learn how to avoid the pitfalls of overconfidence and humblebragging, and how to use modesty as a tool to impress employers and advance your career.



Suspicion as a Good Thing: Why others’ suspicion of you can be a good thing

Suspicion is often seen as a negative emotion that erodes trust and damages reputation. However, suspicion can also be a powerful tool to enhance your credibility and create intrigue. How? By strategically revealing your mundane good work and good traits, you can make others curious about your motives and intentions.

By avoiding self-incrimination and unnecessary explanations, you can maintain a sense of mystery and confidence. This article will show you how to use suspicion to your advantage in various situations, from personal relationships to professional interactions. You will learn how to turn suspicion into a positive force that boosts your appeal and influence.



Admitting Unfair Advantages: Why you should admit to the unfair advantages you possess

Many people are reluctant to admit that they have unfair advantages in life, such as wealth, connections, education, or privilege. They fear that doing so will make them seem arrogant, ungrateful, or undeserving of their success. However, this article argues that admitting your unfair advantages can actually be a powerful way to demonstrate honesty, transparency, and authenticity.

By acknowledging the factors that helped you along the way, you can show humility and gratitude, as well as inspire others to overcome their own challenges. You can also prevent others from using your advantages against you, by exposing them yourself and ridding them of their worth. This article will explore how admitting your unfair advantages can benefit you and others in various aspects of life and work.



Agreeing with Excuses: Why you should agree with excuses for your success

Many people struggle with accepting compliments and praise for their achievements. They may feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, or even guilty for being successful. They may also face criticism, envy, or resentment from others who make excuses for their own lack of success.

How can you deal with these situations in a positive and respectful way? How can you maintain a success mindset without becoming arrogant or complacent? How can you express humility and gratitude for your success without undermining yourself or others? How can you use feedback to improve your performance and help others grow? These are some of the questions that this article will explore. You will learn how to agree with excuses for your success and why this can benefit you and those around you.



First Place Pitfalls: Why you should be careful being in first place

Being in first place is often seen as the ultimate goal of any competition. Whether it is in sports, business, or politics, leading the pack can bring many benefits and rewards. However, being in first place also comes with its own challenges and risks. In this article, you will learn about some of the pitfalls that can affect your performance and satisfaction when you are at the top of your game.

You will discover how to avoid the dangers of pressure, complacency, and overconfidence that can undermine your leadership and competitiveness. You will also find out how to keep an eye on your rivals and learn from their strategies and mistakes. By reading this article, you will gain valuable insights and tips on how to stay ahead of the curve and maintain your edge in any situation.



Verbal Jabs: Why you should recognize verbal jabs but not react

Verbal jabs are subtle or overt insults that aim to undermine, belittle, or hurt someone. They can be delivered in person, over the phone, or online. They can be motivated by jealousy, insecurity, anger, or boredom. They can damage relationships, lower self-esteem, and create conflict. How can one deal with verbal jabs effectively? The answer lies in developing communication skills, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and assertiveness.

These are the skills that enable one to recognize verbal jabs but not react to them. Reacting to verbal jabs can escalate the situation and make things worse. Instead, one can learn to incriminate by ignoring, which means to show the jabber that their words have no power over them. This article will explore the benefits of incriminating by ignoring and how to practice it in different scenarios.



Showing Off: Why you should remember one thing before showing off

Showing off can be tempting. You’ve worked hard to achieve something and you want to share it with the world. You want to enjoy the bragging rights that come with your success. But before you do, there’s one thing you should remember: humility. Humility is not about hiding your accomplishments or being modest to a fault. It’s about having self-awareness and social skills that allow you to communicate your value without alienating others.

Humility is the key to building trust, respect and influence with your audience. It’s also the key to learning from your mistakes and growing as a person. In this article, you’ll discover how humility can help you avoid the pitfalls of showing off and how it can enhance your personal and professional life. You’ll also learn how to balance humility with confidence and how to inspire others with your achievements without making them feel inferior. You’ll find out how showing off can backfire and how humility can make you more attractive, likable and successful.



Over-Advertising Credentials: Can backfire

Some people may think that the more credentials they flaunt, the more respect they will earn from others. However, this strategy can backfire, especially when dealing with those who are unimpressed by titles, degrees, or awards. In fact, over-advertising credentials can reveal a lack of confidence and a need for approval seeking, which can undermine one’s self-worth and authority.

How can one avoid this trap and impress the unimpressed without being needy or arrogant? The answer lies in cultivating a sense of indifference and detachment from the opinions of others, while focusing on delivering value and quality. This article explores the psychology behind this phenomenon and offers practical tips on how to achieve it.



Introvert: Socially Dominate Extroverts as an Introvert

Many people assume that extroverts have an advantage over introverts when it comes to social dominance. They think that extroverts are more charismatic, confident, and influential than introverts. However, this is not necessarily true. Introverts have their own unique strengths and abilities that can help them stand out and assert themselves in social situations.

This article will explore how introverts can use their personality types, social skills, and charisma to dominate extroverts in a respectful and authentic way. It will also provide four practical tools that introverts can apply to enhance their social dominance and enjoy their interactions with extroverts more.



Jealousy: Not Be Jealous / Envious of a Successful Friend

Jealousy is a powerful emotion that can ruin relationships and lower self-esteem. It can make us feel bitter, resentful, and unhappy. But what if we could turn jealousy into something positive? What if we could use it as a motivation to improve ourselves and appreciate our friends?

That’s what this article is about: how to not be jealous or envious of a successful friend, but rather celebrate their achievements and learn from them. You will discover how to overcome the negative effects of comparison, how to recognize your own strengths and advantages, and how to cultivate admiration instead of envy. By doing so, you will not only boost your happiness, but also strengthen your friendship and inspire others.



Competition: Leverage Your Success Against a Competitor’s Failure

Competition is inevitable in any business, and sometimes it can be a source of motivation and inspiration. But what if your competitor fails to deliver on their promises, or makes a mistake that damages their reputation? How can you use this opportunity to leverage your advantage and boost your marketing strategy?

This article will show you how to turn your competitor’s failure into your success, without being unethical or unprofessional. You will learn how to identify the signs of weakness in your rival’s performance, how to highlight your own strengths and achievements without directly mentioning their flaws, and how to manage your reputation and credibility in the eyes of your customers and prospects. By following these tips, you will be able to create a positive contrast between you and your competitor, and gain a competitive edge in your market.



Authority: Increase Your Authority by Taking the Uncommon Path

Leadership is not a one-size-fits-all skill. Sometimes, the most effective leaders are those who go against the authority grain and challenge conventional wisdom. These leaders have a unique blend of thought leadership, innovation creativity, and influence persuasion that sets them apart from the crowd.

In this article, you will learn how to cultivate these qualities and why uncommon paths can lead to better leadership results. You will also discover how to apply these principles to your own career and personal growth.



Faking it Til You Make it: How to fake it, make it, and not get exposed.

Faking it til you make it is a common strategy for people who want to achieve success in their fields. But what are the downsides of this approach? How can you avoid being exposed as a fraud? And how can you balance your ambition with your ethics?

This article will explore these questions and offer some practical tips on how to embellish your experience in a professional and honest way. You will also learn how hard work pays off in the long run, and why you should place high standards on yourself. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a freelancer, or a job seeker, this article will help you navigate the challenges of faking it til you make it without compromising your integrity.



Court Attention: How to court and divert attention as needed.

Attention is a scarce and valuable resource in today’s world. Whether you want to stand out from the crowd, impress your boss, or avoid unwanted scrutiny, you need to master the art of attention management.

This article will teach you how to attract positive attention and avoid negative attention in various situations. You will learn tips for effective communication, how to balance self-promotion and humility, and how to use strategic omission and inclusion to your advantage. You will also discover how to understand the average tendencies of individuals, how to create sightlines and flow in your interactions, and how to leverage social proof to boost your credibility. By the end of this article, you will have a set of powerful tools to court and divert attention as needed.



Winning by Losing: Learn how to turn losing into a win

Losing is inevitable in life and business, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the road. In fact, losing can be a powerful catalyst for growth, innovation and success.

In this article, you will discover the benefits of strategic losses, how to learn from failure, how to turn a loss into a win, when to quit and when to persist, and how to cope with losing gracefully. You will also learn how to use losing as a tool to keep your competitors engaged and motivated, and how to let them win some to keep the party going. Losing is not a sign of weakness, but an opportunity to improve and excel. Read on to find out how you can win by losing.
