Why You Need to be Tuned Into the Reactions of Others

As you very well may know by now, people don’t only communicate in a verbal manner. There are different forms of communication. In addition to body language, people communicate with reactions. Laughing is a reaction, crying is a reaction, and any other action driven by emotion as it relates to a stimuli can also be a reaction. If you say something that makes your audience laugh out loud, then there is a form of truth that thereby caused a truthful reaction – laughter in this case.

The Language of Reactions

In conversation, people will send you cues of what they’re truly feeling. Even if it’s not a verbal statement, reactions to something they believe is true are difficult to adjust and even more difficult to stop. In order to make anyone tell you the truth, you need to know about why people do what they do when in the middle of a conversation with one another. You need to learn about body language cues, and you need to learn why people laugh, raise their voice, and become bored when they do.

One common theme will all reactions to our statements and questions is the fact that they are reactions to the truth. It is hard to fake reactions of the physical body, hence it being easy to spot a fake smile in a photograph. Genuine action is always true, thereby you always need to ask yourself why the person you’re talking to acted in a certain way at a specific time. You need to follow the series of events beginning with them committing the action that they have committed back to the truth which triggered that action.

Ask yourself why somebody laughs when they do, acts with emotion during a specific time, and becomes distant when a certain topic is brought up. These reactions are truths written in a language that you should learn to read. We all tell these truths, but only a select few can read in the language that our truths are communicated in.

Looking for Earthquakes

Remember, humans are social creatures and our behavior has been shaped by a few hundred thousand years of subconscious reactions. Humans will react to the things you say, and those reactions will contain their truths for you to uncover. Their reactions will stem from inner dialogue, and sometimes when they react is more important than what they react to.

For example if somebody smirks during a serious discussion, you can narrow down their true feelings to a select few options. Maybe they know something that you don’t, or are planning a vengeful act against you. Remember that reaction of theirs and continue with your conversation. Take inspiration from the triangulation approach that seismologists use to locate earthquakes. The more data points you collect, the closer you will get to recognizing a pattern towards truthful information.

The question of how to make anyone tell you the truth cannot be answered in a simple phrase or informative piece of advice. This is a behavior that must be learned by you, and your approach will need to differ between all who you come across and analyze. However, in order to begin your journey to knowing as much truth on a situation as possible, you must begin recognizing the truthful patterns that are presented to you by others.

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