Why Saying Things Implicitly Is Better Than Speaking Explicitly

The art of implicitly sending messages to others is a hard one to master. When the messages you are trying to send are not something that the other party wants to hear, it becomes more difficult managing emotions of the receiver. When trying to send a message, any emotion from the receiving party that is unplanned for can work against you and the truth you are trying to express.

Keeping Tabs on How the Listener Feels

Explicit messages work to give birth to emotions more effectively than implicit ones. Saying something in a stern, degrading manner for example, will overplay the message behind that sternness and your listener may focus less on what you are trying to say and more on how you are saying it. When trying to influence others to your way of thinking, you need to keep account of all emotions involved. Some emotions will help you get your truth across to the listening party, and others will degrade the quality of the message you are sending. You need to know when to speak explicitly in order to get emotions to rise out of your listener.

Explicit statements express things just as they are with as little use of the English language as possible. Explicit speaking is the most effective form of speaking which you will find yourself using with people like waiters at a restaurant and cashiers at a grocery store. Your speech patterns become increasingly more implicit as you being talking to a spouse, mother-in-law, or your colleagues. You begin speaking implicitly because you are aware of the emotional factor involved in your conversation with people you care about. You do not want the wrong emotions to rise in your listener and your message to get lost, and therefore you formulate your sentences in a more subtle implicit way.

It’s More Than Just Controlling Vocabulary

The above reasoning is why implicit statements should be preferred to implicit ones. You garner control over the emotion of your listener and decrease the chances of emotion getting in the way of them understanding the truth that you are sending their way. You must understand however, that being overly implicit to a point of not being understood is a detriment rather than an advantage to you. Find the sweet spot where you can control and suppress the emotion of your listener has towards your words, as well as clearly expressing what you want to say.

Your implicit speech patterns need to be understood and should suppress the emotional response from your listener. With this in mind, saying harsh truths will be an easier task for both yourself and your listeners. If you become a master of implicit message sending, you can make others understand the harshest truths without getting any emotional responses from them. This is the perfect method of communication and leads to advancement of ideas, which is the overarching goal of any conversation you have.

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