Why Those Who Warn You Aren’t Wishing You Bad Luck

Our belief in the existence of luck can influence our interactions with others.

We consistently evaluate whether someone wants the best for us; notwithstanding if we hear compliments or warnings from them. 

The words on this page are predicated by the opinion that a belief in the existence of luck can put a cap on the lessons that you learn in life. 

In an effort to maintain a realistic stream of internal dialogue flowing prior to, and during, your life’s important moments, this article hopes to help you deal with warnings from others in a healthy way. 

Specifically, this article is about people helpfully bringing up negative mental images in order to protect you from those negative occurrences.

The hope is that at the end of this article, you’ll think twice about perceiving the innocent warnings you hear from others as their attempts to wish you bad luck. An extension of that goal is to limit distractions that your belief in bad luck introduces, as well as to internalize these people’s perhaps legitimate warnings. 

How “Curses” Work, Even If You Don’t Believe in Them 

Your belief in the existence of others’ ability to influence your luck can get in the way of reasonable thinking and effective preparation.

Rightfully so, hearing a good luck wish prior to an exam from someone who you know secretly wants you to fail can be a tiring psychological cluster to unwrinkle. 

In your mind, they’d have smeared you with their curse. They’d have marked you with a two-faced wish in a hope to see you fail. 

In thinking about others’ desires for you to fail in life, you can do your part to make their wishes come true

You can become nervous prior to your exam for instance, or become distracted by their falsified wish for your good luck by over-analyzing it. 

Curses – notwithstanding whether you believe in a mystical aspect behind them – seem to reliably work when the “curse” someone casts distracts us during the performance we deem to be important. From that standpoint, curses are very real. 

The warnings you hear from others are easy to misinterpret for curses being cast by them. In an effort to protect yourself, you’ll want to distance yourself from seriously considering the warnings that others voice about life’s various domains. 

Below are reasons for why that is a disadvantageous assumption for you to make. 

Knowing About Possible Pitfalls Is Worth More Than Protecting Yourself From Curses

There are times in life when you’ll interpret someone to be wishing you bad luck while they simply try to help out.

“Watch out there are many scammers selling phones online; that deal seems too good to be true.” 


“Be sure to check your battery and brakes prior to your trip across the state. You don’t want any problems with your car in the middle of nowhere.” 

If you’re sensitive to any negative dialogue prior to an important moment, your friend’s warnings about possible pitfalls can be mistaken for expressions of their wishes to see you fail. 

This cognitive habit of yours can turn around to truly curse you in important times. 

You will distract yourself thinking that people who warn you about the worst case actually want to see that worst case come to fruition. 

You’ll want to ignore their possibly good advice simply due to a fear of visualizing the negative scenario taking place. You will not be a calm advisee. 

Your assumption of them wishing you bad luck would distract from possibly important lessons they’ve laid out for you to learn. It may even distract you during the important moment that the conversation was about. 

In a desperate effort to protect yourself from possible bad luck, you’d evidently serve to make it more likely to take place. 

Focus Dispels All Curses 

Since the idea of bad luck seems to center around distraction, remember that focus is your antidote to any secret wishes of bad luck from others. In knowing that, you can seriously consider the warnings that others voice without worrying about them casting a curse on you. 

You’ll internalize the warnings and lessons calmly, knowing that you have the ability to combat any secret wishes of bad luck tagged onto the warnings that you hear. 

By listening to warnings seriously whilst remaining focused during life’s performances, you’ll ensure that you’re prepared as well as undistracted

Legitimate warnings of negative events will better prepare you to avoid those events if you approach these warnings with a healthy mindset. Try to learn from others’ warnings without assuming that they’re wishing you bad luck.

As an insurance policy however, remember that your focus on the task at hand will dispel all the power that possible wishes of bad luck carry with them. 

Allow your belief that someone wished you bad luck to motivate you to focus even more intently. Train your mind to perceive possible wishes of bad luck as triggers for you to focus on the task at hand and nothing else. 

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Disclaimer of Opinion: This article is presented only as opinion. It does not make any scientific, factual, or legal claims. Please critically analyze all claims made and independently decide on its validity.