Start Here: Competition / Battle


Below is a collection of articles in the Competition / Battle category. This selection of pieces explores various aspects of conflict and competition, emphasizing the importance of communication and relationship building in navigating these situations. Whether you are a business professional, athlete, or simply seeking to strengthen your social strategy, understanding the importance of these skills is crucial to achieving success in any competitive endeavor.


Choosing Battles: How the battles you pick affect your place in the world.

The battles we choose to fight can have a profound impact on our lives. Whether it’s in relationships or at work, every conflict has the potential to shape our place in the world. Choosing battles wisely means understanding the ripple effect of our actions and their potential consequences. 

This article explores how competing against someone in one domain can tie us to comparisons in other domains, how we often gravitate towards the simplest point of reference, and how we can become trapped in a loop of battling the unworthy. By examining these issues, readers will gain insight into how to make better decisions about when to engage in conflict and when to let go.



Conflict and Growth: Learn how to leverage conflict for personal growth.

Conflict is an inevitable part of life, and it can take a toll on our self-perception. Whether you’re dealing with conflict at work, in a team, as a manager, or in relationships, there’s no escaping the fact that conflict can be stressful. Conflict can be a catalyst for growth however. This article explores how conflict can help us to mend our shattered beliefs, making us stronger in the process. This article delves into the Japanese art of Kintsugi and how it applies to personal growth. So if you’re ready to leverage conflict for personal growth, keep reading.



Your known opponents will salivate when others criticize you

This article is about your opponents jumping on the bandwagon of criticism when it inevitably comes in the realm of competition. There are things to know when this occurs, and right steps to take in response to it. You can use this desire in your competitors against them by recognizing it as a weakness and leveraging it as knowledge for future acts against them in competition.



How being too threatening can negatively affect offensive strategy.

Effective offensive strategy is paramount in business, but the line between threatening and assertive can be a thin one. Being too threatening in communication can have a negative impact on the intended outcome. This article explores the various ways in which an overly aggressive approach can backfire, from unveiling offensive intent too soon, to limiting tactical flexibility, and ultimately diminishing the legitimacy of an upcoming attack. Moreover, the article delves into why threats often fail to deter counter-attacks or motivate the desired response. In the world of business, conflict is inevitable, but navigating it with communication that is both assertive and diplomatic is key.



Concealing Plans: How to hide plans and deflect personal questions.

In a world where personal plans are frequently questioned and nosy individuals pry for details, it’s not uncommon to feel the need to hide your intentions. But how can you deflect tough questions gracefully without exposing your next steps? This article explores why we feel the need to conceal our plans, and how detachment and deflection can work in tandem to protect our personal pursuits. With a focus on understanding what deflection looks like and knowing what’s worth exposing, readers will learn how to debunk their own ideas and listen to others without feeling the need to defend themselves. Find out how to master the art of concealing plans in a professional and effective manner.



The end-point of control: Learn why it’s important to let go of important things.

This article delves into the end-point of a struggle for control and why it’s important to release the things you can’t control. It explores the negative effects of clinging onto something that is dangled in front of you, like a form of blackmail. The fear of losing control is often the thing that limits supreme control over the situation at hand. Learn why letting go is the key to finding inner peace, freedom, and unbreakable control. 


Predictability: How being too predictable can make you vulnerable.

In a world where predictability is often praised, it may come as a surprise that being too predictable can actually make you vulnerable. This article explores the dangers of falling into patterns and routines that make you an easy target for those looking to take advantage. From the timing with which you do things, to the way you do the things you do, this piece offers insight into how to break free from being seen as boring or predictable. Instead, discover the power of being unpredictable and learn how to stay one step ahead in both your personal and professional life.



Slander and Competition: Learn how to handle malicious talk from rivals.

In the cutthroat world of business, competitors will do whatever it takes to get ahead. Unfortunately, this often includes resorting to trash talk and slander to tarnish your reputation. It’s easy to get caught up in the confrontation, but it’s important to keep a level head and understand the competitive mindset. The article delves into the psychology behind biased competitors and why a need for validation can bring bias into the conversation. Learn how to handle malicious talk from rivals and come out on top with this insightful guide.



Stealth: Why patterns are more important than actions in stealth.

Being stealthy requires more than just physical actions. The strategy of stealth involves patterns, habits, and the ability to go unnoticed. This article delves into why patterns are more important than actions when it comes to the art of being stealthy. By studying habits and paying no mind to acts, one can learn how to not draw attention and seamlessly blend into the background. Attention seems to be more attracted to deviation than to consistent virtue, which is why it is crucial to understand the power of patterns in achieving true stealth. Discover how to master the art of being invisible in this insightful piece.



Backstabbing Coworkers: Learn how to deal with backstabbing coworkers and sabotaging employees.

Learn how to deal with the unpleasant reality of backstabbing coworkers and sabotage at work. It’s an unfortunate truth that some employees will talk behind your back or even actively work against you. This article offers valuable tips to help you anticipate sabotage, maintain your composure and respond appropriately when faced with these situations. Discover how patterns can help you remain unhinged and why your reactions to any signs of disloyalty are crucial. Also, find out why it’s important to allow space for the reactions of onlookers and how to speak about the events matter-of-factly and without exaggerations. Don’t let backstabbing coworkers get you down – take control with this insightful guide.



Ultra-competitors: How to handle people who compete with everything you do.

Encountering a competitive person can be overwhelming and exhausting. These ultra-competitors strive to win in every aspect of life, even if it means outdoing those closest to them. Understanding the signs they’re competing with you and the psychology behind competitive behavior is crucial in managing these relationships. This article explores the challenges of having competitive friends, how creating new competitions can be a distraction, and how to re-frame the idea that one bush yields better fruit than the other. Additionally, this articles examine the benefits of being unpredictable in acts of self-improvement. By learning how to handle ultra-competitors, you can maintain healthy relationships while avoiding unnecessary stress.



Softening Enemies: How giving hope to enemies makes them more vulnerable to loss.

Discover a unique approach to dealing with an enemy that doesn’t involve trying to destroy them or making them mad. This article explores the power of hope and how it can actually make your enemies more vulnerable to loss. By instilling hope that they are ahead or on the right course, you can subtly shift the power dynamic in your favor. Even if you feel unskilled, offering hope can level the playing field. Learn how to use hope to your advantage at work or in any situation where you need to deal with an enemy. Let this article show you a new way to win.



Your Weaknesses Exploited: Understand how others may use your weaknesses against you.

In a world where manipulative individuals seek to gain power over you, it’s important to understand how your weaknesses can be used against you. This article delves into the ways in which others may exploit your vulnerabilities and offers insight into how to regain control over them. From identifying toxic individuals to recognizing the poisonous tip of the spear, this piece provides valuable knowledge for those seeking to protect themselves from those who would use their weaknesses to gain the upper hand. So if you’re looking to strengthen your defenses against those who would take advantage of you, read on.



Human selfishness: How to deal with people’s innate self-centeredness.

This article explores the innate self-centeredness of human beings and how to effectively navigate it. With a focus on relationships, friendship, business and the workplace, readers will learn practical tips for recognizing and addressing selfish behavior. The importance of expecting selfishness and noticing kind-hearted individuals is highlighted, along with the idea that wisdom can be found in unexpected places (such as an airplane safety guide). From how to communicate with selfish individuals to managing the impact of selfish behavior, this article provides a thoughtful and insightful guide for anyone looking to improve their interactions with others.



Competitors Who Badmouth: How to win against competitors who criticize you.

Competing in the business world can be tough, and it’s not unusual for your competitors to try and weaken you or distract you with negative criticism. Their aim is to get others on their side, and that can have damaging effects on your business. However, this article delves into strategies to help you win against competitors who badmouth. From emphasizing prior friendly interactions to making positive public statements, this article provides insights into how to deal with those who critique you. You’ll also learn why it’s essential not to respond to their critiques with your own. In today’s highly competitive business environment, you need all the tools to come out on top, and this article provides them.



Hatred Can Always Be Justified: Why people will find reasonable fronts for their hatred towards you.

We may encounter individuals who dislike us for no reason. It can be perplexing to be always nice, but still get disdain from someone. The truth is, hatred can always be justified in the eyes of the beholder. When hating becomes unreasonable, reasonable fronts are found to legitimize their feelings towards you. This article delves into the psychology of hate, exploring why people may find it necessary to harbor negative feelings towards others. It also offers insight into what’s best to do with haters when faced with them. Because let’s face it, having no friends is never fun.



Short Term Battles: Don’t sacrifice long-term success for short-term wins.

In the quest to remain relevant and competitive, many people  engage in short-term battles, often sacrificing long-term wins for short-term gains. This article explores the lack of understanding that surrounds this common business practice and the real behavior change needed to shift focus towards a more sustainable competitive strategy. It delves into the importance of embracing long term wins while avoiding the pitfalls of over-reliance on short term victories. Stay ahead of the game and gain insights on how to navigate the tricky balance between short-term battles and long-term success.



Publicizing Failures: Learn why you should (sometimes) publicize your failures

The fear of failure is often a deterrent to taking risks, but failures are a part of every story. Being vulnerable may seem like a disadvantage, but it has its advantages. Controlling reputation is essential in the business world, but so is showcasing your humanity. Learn why sharing your failures can build trust, create empathy, and ultimately benefit your brand. This article explores the benefits of being transparent about failures, and how to strategically incorporate them into your narrative to create a stronger connection with your audience.



Discrediting competitors: Why you shouldn’t discredit those you compete against.

In the business world, it’s easy to get caught up in the competitive nature of things. The pressure to be the best can lead to focusing solely on the competition and their shortcomings. However, discrediting those you compete against can lead to a loss of respect and trust from both customers and other businesses. Instead, it’s important to understand the sensitivity. This article delves deeper into why you shouldn’t discredit your competition and how to approach competition in a more effective way.



Gathering Intel: Learn why challenging someone’s knowledge is effective in gathering information

Challenging someone’s knowledge can often lead to unexpected outcomes. It may seem counterintuitive, but asking someone to prove what they know can be a powerful tool in gathering sensitive information. This article explores the art of asking for help, making educated guesses, and challenging one’s identity in order to force information out of them. This article delves into the psychology behind this approach and how it can be used in a variety of situations. 



Gathering Intel: Learn how to comfort those who said too much, and encourage them to say more

Encouraging disclosure can be a delicate process, one that requires a keen understanding of how to align in emotion with those you’re seeking information from. This article delves into a specific aspect of gathering intel, providing insight . You’ll learn how to create a safe and supportive environment that encourages people to talk, voice their unspoken anxieties out loud, and ultimately forge deeper connections with those around you.



Heat of the Moment: Learn how to use the heat of the moment to control future behavior

This article explores how to use the heat of the moment to control future behavior. It delves into the impact of witnesses on our actions, and how to leverage the current moment to our advantage. The article also provides insight into how to bring up topics that encourage others to make generalizing declarations, and how to keep tabs on these declarations to remind others of their previous statements. By understanding how regretful behavior and out of character acts arise, readers will learn how to influence others’ future actions in a more effective manner. 



Revenge: Learn how to not incriminate yourself while getting revenge

Whether you’re seeking justice or avenging a loss, getting revenge successfully requires careful planning and execution. In this article, we explore the delicate balance of coming close, but not meeting or exceeding the crime when it comes to revenge. We also delve into the importance of knowing when to “stand down” if you have the upper hand. With practical tips and examples, this article will help you navigate the murky waters of revenge while avoiding any legal repercussions. 



Calling Out Imitators: How It Can Change Public Perception

This article delves into the negative impact of imitation and how calling out those who do it can change public perception. Imitation is considered weak and often paints someone in a weak light, damaging their reputation. Even the slightest exposure of an imitator has the capacity to leave a bad aftertaste. This piece explores why the label of “imitator” is so damaging and how the exposed imitators’ reactions will place them in a lose-lose situation. The power of calling out imitators can lead to a shift in public perception, ultimately impacting the success and reputation of a brand or individual.
