Why Busy Schedules Are Not the Reason You Never See Your Friends

It’s easy to get caught up in a busy lifestyle, often neglecting the important things like spending time with family and friends. Excuses like being too busy or not having enough time are common reasons for not keeping in touch with loved ones. This article explores the cause of the ever-decreasing time you may be spending with your friends. A competitive mindset has even seeped into trivialities, leading to a lack of focus on building strong relationships which have been omitted from the definition of success. It’s important to prioritize and make time for friends, and this article provides insights on how to overcome excuses and foster these valuable relationships.

Why You Should Be Low-key While Giving Gifts

Giving gifts is an art that requires skill and finesse. It is not about showing off your wealth or status, nor about outdoing others with extravagant presents. It is about expressing your appreciation and gratitude for someone in a humble and thoughtful way. In this article, you will learn how to give gifts that are meaningful and memorable, without drawing unnecessary attention to yourself or creating awkward situations. You will also discover what to get someone who has everything, or who is hard to please. Whether it is for a birthday, an anniversary, or a special occasion, you will find some useful tips and insights on how to give gifts with humility and grace.

Why You Should Know, but Not Say, What Others Want to Hear

Sometimes, the best way to communicate is to not give them what they want. Whether it’s a potential partner, a client, or a friend, making them work for it can create a sense of intrigue and curiosity that draws them in. But how do you do that without being rude or manipulative? How do you balance the art of the tease with the risk of inching away? This article explores the power of holding back in different contexts and situations, and how it can help you achieve your goals and build stronger relationships.

Why There’s Benefit to Framing the Immediate As the Past

This article aims to express the importance of viewing today’s happenings with the perspective that time away from them provides. In hopefully helping you attain an even perspective on today’s hardships, this information may also help you manage others in stressful times.  A difficult, lengthy wooded trail becomes less intimidating once you’ve hiked it through.  … Read more

How to Introduce Nuance to Popular Ideologies / Trends You Disagree With

This article offers a comprehensive guide on how to challenge opinions and introduce nuance to popular ideas that one may disagree with. By studying the landscape and identifying the silent majority, readers will learn how to develop a more iterative approach to bolster their thinking.

The article emphasizes the importance of utilizing those who are part of the silent majority wisely and how granularity can be a powerful tool to achieve nuanced thinking. Finally, readers will discover how aligning themselves with groups or labels can help them find common ground with others and get everyone on the same page.

Why Victims of Oppression Grow More Loving

This article is a warning to oppressors of any kind; victims of your oppression are sensitive to empathy, and will (strongly) bond over it.  The tale of giving when one’s got nothing left to give is universally poignant. It preaches hope to the hopeless by containing an important lesson about love. The lesson contained defines … Read more