How to Not Be Influenced by Negativity / Pessimism

This article is intended to arm you with methods to abstain from having your positive perception hindered by pessimistic individuals.   They Are Not Right To begin, realize that when dealing with humans, you are dealing with irrational, emotion-driven, biological beings. Humans are hard to predict because they are driven by forces often unseen, unmeasured, and … Read more

How to Detect People’s Hidden Ulterior Motives

This article delves into the concept of hidden ulterior motives and teaches you how to detect them in others. Whether it be in a professional setting, a personal relationship, or simply in your everyday interactions, learning to identify these motives can help you make better-informed decisions and protect yourself from potential harm.

Through the use of deductive reasoning and understanding what has not been said, you will be able to uncover the truth behind others’ actions and uncover any person with ulterior motives in your life.

Why You Should (Sometimes) Publicize Your Failures

The fear of failure is often a deterrent to taking risks, but failures are a part of every story. Being vulnerable may seem like a disadvantage, but it has its advantages. Controlling reputation is essential in the business world, but so is showcasing your humanity. Learn why sharing your failures can build trust, create empathy, and ultimately benefit your reputation or brand. This article explores the benefits of being transparent about failures, and how to strategically incorporate them into your narrative to create a stronger connection with your audience.

How to Not Incriminate Yourself While Getting Revenge

Whether you’re seeking justice or avenging a loss, getting revenge successfully requires careful planning and execution. This article explores the delicate balance of coming close, but not meeting or exceeding the crime when it comes to revenge. It also delves into the importance of knowing when to “stand down” if you have the upper hand. With practical tips and examples, this article will help you navigate the murky waters of revenge while avoiding any legal repercussions. 

How to Defend Yourself Against Malicious Video Edits

This article will center around video interviews. You may have noticed the tendency for the public to request full, unedited interviews with public figures for the purpose of transparency. This ask is being driven by the behavior of those supplying video content to edit their clips in ways that perpetuate an agenda. Though the general public … Read more

How to Handle Having What Others Desperately Desire

Have you ever felt an undeserved feeling of guilt while walking past a beggar on the street? Even though you may have attained your wealth and status by way of honest hard work, seeing others in desperate situations induces feelings of guilt. These feelings of guilt are difficult to explain but they force us to walk … Read more