Why There Are Pitfalls to Reintroducing Yourself After an Absence
Reintroducing yourself after an absence may seem like a polite and friendly gesture, but it can also have negative consequences. Whether you are reconnecting with an old colleague, a former client, or a long-lost friend, you may unwittingly create awkwardness or confusion by reintroducing yourself. You may also imply that you are irrelevant or insecure, or that you have not kept up with the changes in your field or industry. Moreover, you may undermine your credibility or reputation by suggesting that you are not memorable or important enough to be recognized. In this article, you will learn why reintroducing yourself can backfire and how to avoid the pitfalls of this common mistake. You will also discover how to re-ignite your relationships with people who have grown and changed over time, and how to respect their new connections and preferences.