Why You Shouldn’t Vary in Your Show of Attention

The people in your life are grouped into various mental categories. These categories aren’t linear in their listing. Specific categories may distinguish the level of trust you have for your various friends. Other categories can represent which floors your acquaintances at work sit on. In an effort to articulate the motive of this article, the … Read more

How You Can Learn From the Enemies of Society

It may be a bit hard to believe, but not a lot differentiates you from the worst humans to have ever lived. You never know what you would do, say, and plan if you were in the same exact position as another. The fact that you could’ve turned out to be a murderer, dictator, or a … Read more

Why People Like You When You Learn From Them

Learning from others is not only a way to acquire new skills and knowledge, but also a way to build rapport and trust with them. When we learn from others, we show them that we value their expertise and experience, that we are curious and open-minded, and that we are willing to listen and improve. These qualities make us more attractive and likable to others, as well as more confident and competent in ourselves.

In this article, you will discover how learning from others can benefit you in various aspects of your life, such as your career, your relationships, and your personal growth. You will also learn how to apply some effective strategies to learn from others, such as asking questions, giving feedback, and sharing your own insights. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of why teaching is rewarding, why learning is fun, why curiosity is attractive, why listening is important, and why feedback is valuable.

Why Complimenting Yourself Does Not Count

Many people struggle with low self-esteem and self-confidence, and they may resort to self-complimenting as a way of boosting their mood. However, self-praise is not a reliable or effective source of self-validation. In fact, it may backfire and make them feel worse.

In this article, you will learn why self-complimenting does not count as a genuine compliment, and how it can harm your social relationships and your mental health. You will also discover some alternative ways of improving your self-esteem and self-confidence without relying on self-complimenting.

Why Being Average Is Good

People think and act in diverging ways. The fact is that most are average, do average things, and achieve average results in life. However, people within the bell curve will often strive to get out of it. They will seek out motivation, work hard, and stress themselves to prove that they are not average. Students … Read more

How to Win by Sometimes Losing

Losing is inevitable in life and business, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the road. In fact, losing can be a powerful catalyst for growth, innovation and success.

In this article, you will discover the benefits of strategic losses, how to learn from failure, how to turn a loss into a win, when to quit and when to persist, and how to cope with losing gracefully. You will also learn how to use losing as a tool to keep your competitors engaged and motivated, and how to let them win some to keep the party going. Losing is not a sign of weakness, but an opportunity to improve and excel. Read on to find out how you can win by losing.

How to Always Find a Good Thing to Say About a Person / Product

Empowerment is more than just a buzzword. It is a mindset and a skill that can transform the way we interact with others and ourselves. Empowerment means allowing others to be resilient, to overcome challenges, and to grow from their experiences. It also means giving positive feedback, compliments, and praise that are genuine, specific, and meaningful.

In this article, you will learn how to master the art of empowerment and how it can benefit you and your relationships. You will discover positive feedback examples, how to give compliments, how to praise someone, and how to be more positive in your communication. You will also find out how to segment your feedback according to the situation and the person. By the end of this article, you will have the tools and the confidence to empower yourself and others with your words and actions.

Why Being Respected is Better Than Being Well-Liked

Respect is a powerful force that can shape one’s personal and professional life. It can influence how others perceive, treat, and value one’s contributions and opinions. It can also affect one’s self-esteem, confidence, and motivation. But how does one achieve respect in a world where popularity seems to matter more? How does one balance likability and respectability without compromising one’s integrity or authenticity? How does one avoid being a people pleaser or a tyrant? And how does one deal with the cat that nobody likes?

This article will explain why respect matters more than popularity, how to earn respect at work, how to be respected without being feared, and how to avoid being a people pleaser. The article will also offer some insights on how to avoid being the cat that nobody likes, a metaphor for the challenging situations and people that one may encounter in life. By reading this article, one will learn how to cultivate a respectful attitude and behavior that will benefit oneself and others.

Why Some Millionaires Drive Cheap Cars

Some people might think that millionaires have no reason to drive cheap cars. After all, they have enough money to afford any luxury vehicle they want. However, this is not always the case. Many millionaires have adopted a frugal lifestyle that helps them save money on cars and other expenses. They understand that buying expensive cars is not a wise investment and that cheap cars can serve their needs just as well.

In fact, some of the most successful people in the world have chosen to drive modest vehicles instead of flashy ones. This article will explore the millionaire mindset habits that lead to this decision and the benefits of frugality. It will also provide examples of millionaires with cheap cars and compare the advantages and disadvantages of cheap cars vs. expensive cars. By reading this article, you will learn how to save money on cars and protect your facets outside the financial realm and your authenticity.