How to Sway People to Your Side by First Agreeing With Their Goals

Imagine you are in a heated debate with someone who has a different opinion than you. You want to convince them that your point of view is more valid, but they seem to resist every argument you make. How can you break through their defenses and make them agree with you? The answer may lie in finding a common goal that both of you share.

In this article, you will learn how to use the power of agreeing with their goals to sway people to your side. You will discover how to identify and establish a mutual goal, and how to link your arguments back to that goal. By doing so, you will create a sense of alignment and cooperation, and increase the chances of winning the argument. This is a proven technique that can help you in any situation where you need to persuade someone, whether it is in business, politics, or personal life. Read on and find out how to master the art of making people agree with you.

Why You Should Give the Little Guys a Voice

This article presents reasons for why you should hear what even the most insignificant people on your team have to say. It strives to connect those reasons to your own maintenance of power and personal success. People in positions of authority often treat distant subordinates with less respect than someone they work closely with. Time … Read more

Why You Should Fear the Unknown Parts of Others’ Stories

Everyone has a story to tell, but not everyone tells the whole truth. Sometimes, people omit or embellish details to make themselves look better, to avoid judgment, or to manipulate others. When we listen to these stories, we may form assumptions based on incomplete or inaccurate information. This can lead to misunderstanding, resentment, or even harm. In this article, you will learn why you should be cautious of the unknown in people’s stories and how to avoid assuming malice when there may be none. You will also discover the benefits of being sensitive until you know the full story and the things people don’t tell you that could change your perspective.

Why There’s Benefit to Framing the Immediate As the Past

This article aims to express the importance of viewing today’s happenings with the perspective that time away from them provides. In hopefully helping you attain an even perspective on today’s hardships, this information may also help you manage others in stressful times.  A difficult, lengthy wooded trail becomes less intimidating once you’ve hiked it through.  … Read more

How to Introduce Nuance to Popular Ideologies / Trends You Disagree With

This article offers a comprehensive guide on how to challenge opinions and introduce nuance to popular ideas that one may disagree with. By studying the landscape and identifying the silent majority, readers will learn how to develop a more iterative approach to bolster their thinking.

The article emphasizes the importance of utilizing those who are part of the silent majority wisely and how granularity can be a powerful tool to achieve nuanced thinking. Finally, readers will discover how aligning themselves with groups or labels can help them find common ground with others and get everyone on the same page.

Why Victims of Oppression Grow More Loving

This article is a warning to oppressors of any kind; victims of your oppression are sensitive to empathy, and will (strongly) bond over it.  The tale of giving when one’s got nothing left to give is universally poignant. It preaches hope to the hopeless by containing an important lesson about love. The lesson contained defines … Read more