Why You Should Not Exploit Favors Others Do for You

Some people have a hard time saying no to others, especially when they are in need. They may offer their help out of kindness, generosity, or compassion. But what happens when their kindness is taken for granted? When the person they help starts using them for their own benefit? When they exploit their kind nature and always ask for more? This article explores the phenomenon of exploiting favors and the negative consequences it can have for both parties. It also provides some tips on how to avoid falling into this trap and how to respect the boundaries of those who help you. Exploiting favors is not only unethical, but also harmful to your relationships and reputation. Learn why you should not exploit the kindness of others and how to appreciate their help instead.

Why You Should Switch Seats With People Who Want to Sit Together

You’ve likely witnessed a few glimpses of human sympathy peak through monotonous and systemic travel processes. The act of commercialized travel is – appropriately – a computerized, calculated, and meticulously managed one. For someone who may be a fan of a more professional, controlled, travel process, acts of randomness are often a nuisance.  The efficient, … Read more

How to Determine What Others Hold Dear to Their Hearts

One of the most important skills in interpersonal communication is the ability to read people. Reading people means understanding their emotions, motivations, preferences, and boundaries. Knowing what others value can help you build rapport, influence decisions, and avoid conflicts. Knowing what topics are off-limits can prevent you from offending others or hurting their feelings. Offending others can damage your reputation, relationships, and opportunities. In this article, you will learn some techniques for reading people based on their verbal and non-verbal cues, their personality traits, and their cultural background. You will also discover how to apply these techniques in different situations and contexts.

Why Magicians Who Admit to Magic Not Being Real, Are More Interesting

Some magicians are willing to reveal the secrets behind their tricks, while others guard them jealously. But what makes a magician who admits to magic not being real more interesting than one who doesn’t? In this article, you will discover how these magicians challenge the expectations of their audiences and themselves, and how they deal with the consequences of separating them from what they care most about: the illusion of magic. You will also learn how their approach to magic reflects their attitude towards life, and why they don’t like those who distract us from what really matters. By the end of this article, you will have a new perspective on the art of magic and the people who practice it.

Why You Should Be Open to Receiving Kindness

Many of us struggle to accept help from others, even when we need it the most. We may fear being seen as weak, incompetent, or needy. We may think that we can handle everything on our own, or that we don’t deserve kindness from others. But these beliefs are not only false, they are also harmful. They prevent us from experiencing the benefits of being open to kindness, such as improved well-being, stronger relationships, and greater resilience. In this article, you will learn why accepting help is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength and courage. You will discover how being in a vulnerable position can lead to growth and learning. And you will find out how to overcome the barriers that stop you from receiving kindness from others.

Why You Should Be Low-key While Giving Gifts

Giving gifts is an art that requires skill and finesse. It is not about showing off your wealth or status, nor about outdoing others with extravagant presents. It is about expressing your appreciation and gratitude for someone in a humble and thoughtful way. In this article, you will learn how to give gifts that are meaningful and memorable, without drawing unnecessary attention to yourself or creating awkward situations. You will also discover what to get someone who has everything, or who is hard to please. Whether it is for a birthday, an anniversary, or a special occasion, you will find some useful tips and insights on how to give gifts with humility and grace.

Why You Should Know, but Not Say, What Others Want to Hear

Sometimes, the best way to communicate is to not give them what they want. Whether it’s a potential partner, a client, or a friend, making them work for it can create a sense of intrigue and curiosity that draws them in. But how do you do that without being rude or manipulative? How do you balance the art of the tease with the risk of inching away? This article explores the power of holding back in different contexts and situations, and how it can help you achieve your goals and build stronger relationships.

Why You Should Be Careful Around Others’ Self-Deprecating Jokes

Self-deprecating jokes are a common form of humor that can have different effects on different people. Some use them as a tool to test the waters of opinion, to see how others react to their flaws and insecurities. Others use them as a way of fishing for compliments, to elicit positive feedback and validation from others. But what happens when someone else makes a self-deprecating joke? How should you respond? Should you laugh along, or offer reassurance? In this article, you will learn how to be careful around others’ self-deprecating jokes, and how they can affect people with low self-esteem, low confidence, and negative beliefs about themselves. You will also discover how to avoid laughing at others’ expense, and how to help them feel better about themselves.