How to Disarm / Calm Down Angry People

This article delves into techniques for disarming and calming down angry people, particularly those who may be directing their anger towards you. Whether it’s in person or over texts, dealing with someone who is upset can be a challenging experience.

The article provides practical advice on how to approach the situation, including using language that can help defuse the tension. One useful tip is to “victimize the angered” by acknowledging their feelings without necessarily taking responsibility for the situation. The article emphasizes that this does not mean you must apologize, but rather, there are certain phrases and words that can help to convey empathy and understanding. Read on to learn what to say when faced with an angry person.

How to Talk to People Who Talk About Themselves Too Much

Have you ever found yourself in a conversation with someone who only seems to want to talk about themselves? What kind of person is this and how can you talk to them? Can you tell if someone is being a selfish inquirer or just genuinely excited to share their experiences?

In this article, the topic of self-centered conversations is explored, serving to highlight their selfish ways. Readers will learn what it means to engage with a self-focused individual and how to react to their behavior. By understanding the mindset of the self-absorbed talker, readers will be equipped with the tools to handle these types of conversations with grace and ease.

Why Tough Times Form Better Friendships

In the midst of going through hard times, people often form unique bonds with others who are experiencing the same difficulties. The benefits of difficulty can be found in the strong relationships that are formed during these challenging moments. The experience is different from anything else because it creates a sense of camaraderie, a feeling of “us against them.” In this article, readers will discover how to get through tough times by strengthening these bonds and fighting together.

The article explores the various ways that people can deepen the connections they form during challenging times, recognizing the uniqueness of the experience and its potential to create lasting relationships.

How to Make a Third Party Agree With You on a Disagreement

In a world of differing opinions, it can be challenging to get people to agree with you during an argument. The art of persuasion is one that requires honesty, tact, and strategy.

This article provides valuable insights on how to navigate disagreements with a third party effectively. From acknowledging the pros and cons of your position, to encouraging your counterpart to present the cons of their position, this article equips you with the tools necessary to make your argument persuasive. Additionally, it highlights the importance of knowing how to refute and provide solutions for the cons of your own idea, and how to present an air of possibly agreeing with your counterpart’s position.

How to Handle People Who Over-Compliment Your Success

The more success you achieve in the pursuit of your goals, the more comments you’ll receive from others. The people around you are privy to success of any sort. Humans’ underlying need to compete as well as improve play themselves out in interesting ways. Anybody who comments on your success wouldn’t mind experiencing it themselves … Read more

How to Critique Something Others Love

Critiquing Loved Things is an important skill, but it’s not always easy to critique something that others hold dear. Constructive criticism can be a powerful tool for personal growth and development, but it must be handled with care.

This article explores the intrinsic factors that make certain ideas, habits, and actions good, and the extrinsic, unavoidable external factors that can make those same things bad. With practical tips and insights, readers will learn how to provide constructive feedback to help others grow, while still respecting their feelings and attachments to the subject. Critiquing Loved Things is an important aspect of success, and this article shows readers how to do it with empathy and effectiveness.