How to Handle Unfair Criticism

The ability to handle unfair criticism is an important skill for anyone in a professional setting. Unfortunately, not all criticism is constructive or truthful. In this article, we delve into the myth that only truthful criticism causes pain and explore methods for effectively dealing with negative and unfair critiques.

This article examines the dangers of defending against baseless criticisms and discusses the importance of calling out aspects of the criticism that were designed to deliver pain. With these insights, you can learn how to handle negative criticism from those in power and emerge unscathed.

How to React When Someone Takes Credit for Your Work

Credit taking can be a frustrating and disheartening experience in the workplace. Whether it’s a boss or a coworker, it’s never easy to handle when someone takes credit for your hard work. This article delves into how to effectively respond and handle this situation.

The focus is on developing confidence in your future output and the importance of letting others fight your fight when it comes to credit taking. The key is to understand the value of your contributions and to have the courage to stand up for yourself. This article will provide valuable insights and strategies for navigating this difficult issue.

How to Deal With Unfair Moderators on Reddit

What Reddit Is Reddit is a popular news, discussion, and information sharing website. In its entirety, are a collection of communities which users can participate in by commenting on others’ posted content, or posting their own content to be discussed by others. Reddit aggregates these various communities into a whole, but does not itself produce … Read more

How an Illusion of Choice Is Created To Control Group Behavior

An illusion of choice is essential in preserving individuals’ inherent need to maintain a sense of autonomy when seeking to control their behavior. In considering themselves to be behaving at least semi-autonomously, the individuals whose choices are limited are less likely to abrasively reject the intended vision for their behavior.

Why Behavior Online Is Shaped by Small Inconveniences, Not Big Walls

In today’s digital age, understanding the behavior of individuals online is crucial in controlling and preventing inappropriate and problematic actions. However, small inconveniences often play a significant role in shaping this behavior.

The article delves into the difference between small annoyances and major obstacles and how they can impact decision making in the online world. Additionally, it explores the idea of ownership and the challenge of maintaining a consistent response to these minor distractions. The article also highlights the importance of incremental steps and ease of implementation in controlling online behavior.

How to Respond to Criticism From Authorities in Your Field

Being criticized by those in positions of authority, whether it be a boss, manager, or leadership figure, can be a difficult and daunting experience. However, it is important to understand that criticism is a universal process in any field and can be used as a valuable tool for growth and development. 

In this article, learn how to effectively respond to critiques and turn them into opportunities. Discover how to internalize criticism without becoming defensive, and how to recognize if there is malicious intent behind the critique. Embrace the power of inquiry and use this as a stepping stone for your own growth and success.

How Destabilization of Discourse on Social Media Is Performed

Social media has become a major platform for communication and information sharing, making it a prime target for malicious actors seeking to destabilize discourse. This article delves into the tactics used to achieve this goal, including the guiding principles of subtlety, decentralization, immediacy, and consistency.

By utilizing these tactics, the cycle of separation and distrust can be initiated and controlled, leading to the destabilization of online discourse. This article provides insight into the mechanisms and strategies used to achieve these goals and highlights the importance of understanding them in order to counteract their effects.

How Master Manipulators Conceal Their Intentions

Manipulators are skilled at concealing their intentions and tactics in relationships, making it difficult for others to recognize their influence. But what do skilled manipulators have in common, and how do they work?

This article explores the strategies and techniques used by manipulators, and reveals the ways in which they maintain a continuous streak of wins. Discover the signs to watch for, and learn how to protect yourself from the tactics of a manipulator at work. From volunteering to eat the bruised banana to pursuing hidden motives, this article provides valuable insights into the mind of a manipulator.

How to Talk Someone Out of Dangerously Believing “Mystics” / Charlatans 

The world is full of mystics and charlatans who prey on the vulnerable, offering false promises and draining their victims of resources and hope. Dispelling these dangerous beliefs can be a difficult task, as they often tap into deep emotional needs and exploit them for profit.

However, it is possible to steer someone away from these scams by shining a light on the tell-tale signs of a charlatan and by offering a more rational perspective. This article delves into the tactics used by these dangerous charlatans and provides tools to help identify and combat their efforts, so that victims can be protected and empowered to make informed choices.