Why Behavior Online Is Shaped by Small Inconveniences, Not Big Walls

In today’s digital age, understanding the behavior of individuals online is crucial in controlling and preventing inappropriate and problematic actions. However, small inconveniences often play a significant role in shaping this behavior.

The article delves into the difference between small annoyances and major obstacles and how they can impact decision making in the online world. Additionally, it explores the idea of ownership and the challenge of maintaining a consistent response to these minor distractions. The article also highlights the importance of incremental steps and ease of implementation in controlling online behavior.

How to Deal With People Who Take Pleasure in Giving You Bad News

This article explores the challenging phenomenon of individuals who take pleasure in suffering and enjoy giving you bad news. With tips for coping with these difficult situations, readers will discover how to accept and react to bad news in a constructive manner. The article encourages readers to cut conversations short, while explicitly acknowledging the negative information presented. It also emphasizes the importance of owning the problem and overcoming biases that can complicate solutions. Finally, readers will learn why it’s crucial not to celebrate too soon, as doing so can exacerbate negative feelings. With practical advice and strategies for managing these situations, readers will feel empowered to handle even the toughest conversations.

How Cursed Disagreeable Narcissists Really Are

The reluctance to apologize for things done wrong is a bitter character trait. A person achieves narcissistic status when that reluctance grows into blatant refusal. This article is about the self-sabotaging traps of constant narcissistic disagreement. The ones who understand agreement to signal loss and argument to signal triumph blindly curse their own existence. Their … Read more

How to Talk About People You Don’t Like – (When You Have To)

When forced to interact with someone they dislike, most people struggle to maintain polite conversation without succumbing to negative remarks or body language. This is especially challenging when dealing with someone who is a part of a friend group or a colleague at work. However, learning how to talk about disliked individuals politely is an essential skill that can prevent unnecessary conflict and preserve relationships.

This article delves into the art of politely discussing disliked individuals and provides tips on how to cater to their positive attributes while downplaying their mistakes, all while avoiding negativity from others.

How Choosing Your Battles Wisely Affects Your Place in the World

The battles we choose to fight can have a profound impact on our lives. Whether it’s in relationships or at work, every conflict has the potential to shape our place in the world. Choosing battles wisely means understanding the ripple effect of our actions and their potential consequences.

This article explores how competing against someone in one domain can tie us to comparisons in other domains, how we often gravitate towards the simplest point of reference, and how we can become trapped in a loop of battling the unworthy. By examining these issues, readers will gain insight into how to make better decisions about when to engage in conflict and when to let go.

How to Establish Innocence to Get Away With Things

Disclaimer: This is not legal advice in any capacity. This is written to aid only the social happenings of everyday life. Many of us have experience being caught red-handed doing something that we shouldn’t have. We’ve been punished for failing to follow valid rules, and for deliberately breaking the ones which we decided were unfair … Read more