Why Your Partner’s Cooking Always Tastes Good

It is uncomfortable being witness to a husband telling his wife that the mashed potatoes she cooked are bland and unflavored. Perhaps you’ve been invited to a friend’s home where the mood at the dining room table was ruined by a remark such as the one above. The husband in this scenario would be operating … Read more

Why You Should Cancel Out Others’ Intuition

There may have been times when you’ve witnessed your intuition being correct. Whether it was about someone you couldn’t trust, or about a dog you shouldn’t pet, our intuitive feelings often prove to serve for our own benefit. Whether you want to analyze intuition scientifically and label it as pattern recognition, or take the more … Read more

Why You Shouldn’t Discredit Those You Compete Against

In the business world, it’s easy to get caught up in the competitive nature of things. The pressure to be the best can lead to focusing solely on the competition and their shortcomings. However, discrediting those you compete against can lead to a loss of respect and trust from both customers and other businesses. Instead, it’s important to understand the sensitivity. This article delves deeper into why you shouldn’t discredit your competition and how to approach competition in a more effective way.

Why You Should Handle Deception in a Subtle Way

Catching the stench of deception emanating from someone you trust is devastating. Deceptive tendencies are unfortunately ingrained in the daily operation of many individuals around you. Upon getting a whiff of untrustworthiness from someone, you’ll inevitably have some decisions to make. The principal decision that’ll be staring you in the face would be whether you should make … Read more

How to Dampen Someone’s Hatred for You – When You Can’t Avoid Them

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you feel like your progress is hindered by the people you surround yourself with? It can be challenging to deal with friends who seem to be trying to hold you back intentionally or unintentionally due to jealousy or envy.

It is even more difficult when you care about them and yearn to help them improve, but they keep you at a distance. In this article, you will discover how to handle friends who impede your progress while being careful not to make them feel inferior. Learn how to navigate these tricky situations and foster healthy relationships with those who matter to you.

How To Not Be Deceived Into Blind Trust and Bad Decisions

Making informed decisions is a critical aspect of life. Blind trust, however, can be a dangerous trap that often leads to bad decisions. This article explores the common traps that cause people to make poor choices, despite their best intentions. It delves into the unnatural effort put into early first impressions, the temptation of a solution with no other options, the confidence with which hesitation is brushed off, and the absence of a contingency plan.

The article also sheds light on the danger of following someone blindly and the disinterest that sets in after commitment. By reading this article, readers can gain insight into recognizing these pitfalls and prevent making bad decisions by trusting their gut feeling and not their confidence.

How to Use the Heat of the Moment to Control Future Behavior

This article explores how to use the heat of the moment to control future behavior. It delves into the impact of witnesses on our actions, and how to leverage the current moment to our advantage. The article also provides insight into how to bring up topics that encourage others to make generalizing declarations, and how to keep tabs on these declarations to remind others of their previous statements. By understanding how regretful behavior and out of character acts arise, readers will learn how to influence others’ future actions in a more effective manner.