Why You Will Never Fully Know and Understand Anyone

You may have read or heard about the observer effect. It dictates that in their act of measuring, observers influence the phenomenon being observed. It suggests that it is not possible to observe or measure anything without affecting the behavior of that thing. We would like to extend this notion to people, on a broader … Read more

How Blind Trust Can Inadvertently Put You in Danger

The blind trust that we sometimes place in others is a dangerous game. It’s easy to place faith in those who have never let us down, but what about those whom we’ve never fully trusted? The article explores the risks of blindly trusting others and highlights how even those we have complete trust in may still have biases or skill sets that can cause issues to go unnoticed. Additionally, differences in attention to detail and personal needs can pose unforeseen risks. The article stresses the importance of conducting due diligence, especially when dealing with potentially untrustworthy individuals.

Why Your Partner’s Cooking Always Tastes Good

It is uncomfortable being witness to a husband telling his wife that the mashed potatoes she cooked are bland and unflavored. Perhaps you’ve been invited to a friend’s home where the mood at the dining room table was ruined by a remark such as the one above. The husband in this scenario would be operating … Read more

Why the Things You Ignore Will Only Grow

We’ve all felt the pressure to ignore things we’d rather not face head-on. You may have noticed a leak in your gutter, a squeaking refrigerator door, or a noise coming from the serpentine belt under the hood of your car. We ignore things because we don’t feel like dealing with them at that moment in … Read more

How to Handle Having What Others Desperately Desire

Have you ever felt an undeserved feeling of guilt while walking past a beggar on the street? Even though you may have attained your wealth and status by way of honest hard work, seeing others in desperate situations induces feelings of guilt. These feelings of guilt are difficult to explain but they force us to walk … Read more