Why You Should Be Direct When Giving Criticism

This article outlines why criticizing in a direct, but unabrasive, manner is helpful to your social goals. Giving criticism is an act with a specific goal in mind. The point of criticizing is to deliver something truthful but painful in a digestible form. With this being the guiding principle, the process of delivering criticism becomes … Read more

Why You Shouldn’t Use Words Which Minimize Your Mistakes

Have you ever used words such as “accident” or “whoops” to describe your misdeeds? It may seem like a harmless way to downplay the damage caused, but in reality, it can amplify the issue.

This article explores the idea of taking responsibility for your actions and avoiding the use of words that minimize the consequences of a misdeed. Discover the dangers of a sly misrepresentation and the story of the boy who cried sheep. In professional settings, it is crucial to take accountability for your actions, and this article provides insights on how to do so effectively.

How to Write Mass / Bulk / Group Emails Properly

In today’s fast-paced, digital world, effective communication through email is an absolute must for organizations and individuals alike. The way in which an email is written can greatly impact how it is perceived by the recipient, making it imperative to ensure the email is both attention-grabbing and informative.

This article will guide you through the crucial elements of crafting a successful mass email, from the importance of useful information to ending with a memorable impact. It will also provide a helpful example of what a good mass email should look like, so you can master the art of group communication and achieve your desired results.

How To Encourage Change to Ineffective Processes

Good processes are birthed from lessons from the implementation of bad ones along with many iterative improvements and tests to the one being implemented. There will be instances in which you’re caught up within a process which was incorrectly implemented; suffering the burden of being a stakeholder or step in a process which does not achieve what it was designed to.

How to Write Rejection Letters Which Make the Rejected Like You

Rejection is never easy, especially when it comes to job applications. However, it is important to remember that the way in which rejection is communicated can leave a lasting impact on the job candidate.

This article explores the key elements to crafting a rejection letter that leaves a positive impression and shows that the candidate was seriously considered for the role. From avoiding generic messages to balancing warmth and non-negotiability, the article provides practical tips for writing rejection letters that maintain a professional demeanor while also offering something of value to the candidate.

How to Better Communicate Changes to Processes, Products, and Schedules

In today’s fast-paced work environment, changes are inevitable. From updates to processes and products to alterations in schedules, it’s essential to communicate these changes effectively. This article delves into the art of better communicating these updates to team members, stakeholders, and customers.

The focus is on making sure the changes are perceived as positive, even if they may be initially met with resistance. It also highlights the importance of catering to the audience, and how including them in the change process can lead to buy-in and acceptance. The ultimate goal is to ensure a seamless transition while maintaining the trust and confidence of all parties involved.