Why You Shouldn’t Over-Advertise Your Credentials

This article aims to explore the nature of advertising our credentials. Do you put your credentials in the footer of every email that you send? If you do, or know others who do, have you ever analyzed the purpose of advertising one’s credentials? What are the ones advertising the letters representing what they’ve studied aiming … Read more

How You Benefit From Supporting Those Trying to Change

Change is inevitable, but not always easy. Sometimes we need a helping hand from someone who believes in us and our goals. Supporting someone’s goals is not only a way of being a good friend, but also a way of benefiting ourselves. Helping others can boost our own motivation, happiness, and self-esteem. It can also help us change our own lives for the better.

But how do we support someone who is trying to change? How do we motivate them without being pushy or judgmental? How do we deal with the pain of being ignored or rejected by those who don’t share our vision? These are some of the questions that this article will explore, with practical tips and insights on how to be a positive force in someone’s journey of change.

How to Get Noticed by Noticing Others

One of the most powerful ways to get noticed by others is to notice them first. Noticing is not just about paying attention, but also about showing appreciation, giving feedback, and building relationships.

In this article, you will learn how to notice others in a way that makes them feel valued and respected. You will also discover how to use noticing others as a tool for effective networking and career advancement. Whether you want to improve your communication skills, your leadership potential, or your personal brand, noticing others can help you achieve your goals. By noticing others, you will not only make them happy, but also boost your own confidence and happiness.

How to Fake It, Make It, and Not Get Exposed

Faking it til you make it is a common strategy for people who want to achieve success in their fields. But what are the downsides of this approach? How can you avoid being exposed as a fraud? And how can you balance your ambition with your ethics?

This article will explore these questions and offer some practical tips on how to embellish your experience in a professional and honest way. You will also learn how hard work pays off in the long run, and why you should place high standards on yourself. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a freelancer, or a job seeker, this article will help you navigate the challenges of faking it til you make it without compromising your integrity.

Why You Should Practice Not Having an Opinion or Identity

Many people have strong opinions and identities that shape their worldview and behavior. But what if these opinions and identities are limiting their potential and happiness? What if there is a way to practice not having opinion or identity, and enjoy the benefits of no opinion and no identity?

This article explores the concept of no opinion and no identity, and how to detach from opinion and identity in everyday life. It also explains how no opinion and no identity can lead to more discovery, realignment, choice, freedom, and growth. If you are curious about how to challenge your assumptions and expand your horizons, this article is for you.

Why You Should Recognize Verbal Jabs but Not React

Verbal jabs are subtle or overt insults that aim to undermine, belittle, or hurt someone. They can be delivered in person, over the phone, or online. They can be motivated by jealousy, insecurity, anger, or boredom. They can damage relationships, lower self-esteem, and create conflict. How can one deal with verbal jabs effectively? The answer lies in developing communication skills, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and assertiveness.

These are the skills that enable one to recognize verbal jabs but not react to them. Reacting to verbal jabs can escalate the situation and make things worse. Instead, one can learn to incriminate by ignoring, which means to show the jabber that their words have no power over them. This article will explore the benefits of incriminating by ignoring and how to practice it in different scenarios.

Why You Shouldn’t Ask Onlookers to Back Up Your Opinion

Many people think that asking onlookers to back up their opinion is a smart way to win an argument or persuade others. However, this strategy can backfire and damage their credibility and confidence.

This article explains the onlooker effect, a psychological phenomenon that influences how people perceive and react to opinions. It also offers some tips on how to defend your opinion effectively and avoid peer pressure from others. By reading this article, you will learn how to communicate your views with clarity and respect, without relying on external validation or manipulation.

Why You Should Remember One Thing Before Showing Off

Showing off can be tempting. You’ve worked hard to achieve something and you want to share it with the world. You want to enjoy the bragging rights that come with your success. But before you do, there’s one thing you should remember: humility. Humility is not about hiding your accomplishments or being modest to a fault. It’s about having self-awareness and social skills that allow you to communicate your value without alienating others.

Humility is the key to building trust, respect and influence with your audience. It’s also the key to learning from your mistakes and growing as a person. In this article, you’ll discover how humility can help you avoid the pitfalls of showing off and how it can enhance your personal and professional life. You’ll also learn how to balance humility with confidence and how to inspire others with your achievements without making them feel inferior. You’ll find out how showing off can backfire and how humility can make you more attractive, likable and successful.

Why You Should Be Careful Being in First Place

Being in first place is often seen as the ultimate goal of any competition. Whether it is in sports, business, or politics, leading the pack can bring many benefits and rewards. However, being in first place also comes with its own challenges and risks. In this article, you will learn about some of the pitfalls that can affect your performance and satisfaction when you are at the top of your game.

You will discover how to avoid the dangers of pressure, complacency, and overconfidence that can undermine your leadership and competitiveness. You will also find out how to keep an eye on your rivals and learn from their strategies and mistakes. By reading this article, you will gain valuable insights and tips on how to stay ahead of the curve and maintain your edge in any situation.

How to Be Taken Seriously by Those Who Fail to Consider Your Input

Many professionals struggle with being taken seriously by their peers, managers, and clients. They feel ignored, dismissed, or undermined in their work environment. They want to be more assertive, get their voice heard in meetings, deal with dismissive colleagues, communicate effectively with superiors, and increase their credibility at work. But how can they achieve these goals without being perceived as arrogant, aggressive, or rude?

This article offers practical and proven strategies to help professionals gain respect and recognition for their input and expertise. It covers topics such as the habit of sticking to your word, breaking rules by displaying better working solutions, and more. By following these tips, professionals can boost their confidence, influence, and impact at work.